Monday, 9 October 2017

Hidden Abbey Stones Project launch and progress update


The Hidden Abbey Project are holding a public meeting to update the people of Reading on the
progress of the project and to launch the Hidden Abbey Stones Project – an initiative that will
enable Reading residents to involve themselves in finding out more about what happened to
Reading Abbey after its dissolution in 1538.

The Hidden Abbey Project was initiated in the Spring of 2014 by Philippa Langley (the person
behind the discovery of the body of Richard 111 in Leicester). Since then it has gained the support
of the three landowners below which much of the remains of Reading Abbey lie – Reading Borough
Council, the Diocese of Portsmouth and the Ministry of Justice. To date the exploratory work has
been by way of ground penetrating radar and this work has detected significant anomalies in the
area surveyed. In addition much work has been undertaken in researching the history of previous
archaeological work done and investigating what happened to the fabric and contents of the abbey
after its dissolution.

The meeting will include contributions from the Right Rev Geoffrey Scott (Abbot of Douai Abbey),
Toby Davies (Reading Between The Lines), Dr Kevin Hayward (Reading University) and John
Mullaney (initiator of the Hidden Abbey Abbey Stones Project).

The meeting will take place at St James Church Roman Catholic Church, The Forbury, on Friday
20th October at 7.30pm. Entry to the meeting is free but ticketed. Tickets can be obtained by
entering Hidden Abbey Stones Project Launch on Eventbrite or by using this link –

If you have general questions about the meeting please contact
If you have specific queries about the Hidden Abbey Stones Project please contact

One of the many abbey stones scattered around Reading.  This one can be found in a RISC meeting room.

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